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WWV de VE7CC<1500Z> SFI=178,A=33,K=2,Minor w/G1 -> Strong w/G3
WWV de VE7CC<1200Z> SFI=178,A=33,K=2,Minor w/G1 -> Strong w/G3
WWV de W0MU<0900Z> SFI=178,A=33,K=3,Minor w/G1 -> Strong w/G3


Please switch and start using logging software telnet connections. Telnet to '' (port 7373) and login with your callsign. See connection details below and ARC6 cluster manual below. Skimmer Server Spots only available via NC7J telnet connections.

 Configure logging software or telnet clients to connect to: for direct connections.
On-Line Manual: ARC6 Telnet Commands - User Manual (Telnet Interface and CW Skimmer Spots)

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