Directories on this page include generated call history files designed to be used with N1MM Logger+ FCC and VE license data used to generate these call history files is refreshed before processing. This ensures that the latest call history files include any updates from FCC and VE call databases on a weekly basis. The catalyst for this weekly job was to give N1MM Logger+ access to the full FCC and VE callsigns during POTA activations. This allows you to see the name of the operator that is calling you so you can make a more personalize exchange. All efforts were made to include the primary name of the licensee, however, you will need to adjust as needed while working stations as you decide on what to send as far as common nick names are concerned. Two versions of the call history files are created. Files are located down these two paths: "Novice Technician Basic Excluded" Call history files in this directory exclude FCC Novice and VE Basic license classes. These call history files are preferred due to a much smaller number of entries. "All License Classes Included" Call history in this directory include all active license classes from the FCC and VE callsign databases. Only use these files if you have a fast computer and expect to have a high hit rate on working these licensees which have very limited HF privileges or none at all in the case of the VE Basic license. Over 900 thousand callsigns on in these call history files. Be very patient when loading these call history files. You have been warned. Even when using the smaller version of the file (which excludes callsigns with limited or no HF privileges), it will take time for N1MM to load the file. You will need to be patient. When loading the larger version of the file, you will be loading ~900K callsigns into the N1MM admin database. The number of entries nearly double for a small number of hits you will gain by using this file. 10 meters will typically be the only band where you will get hits for novice, technician FCC license classes. Callsign lookup may have a slight pause as you press the space bar or tab in N1MM Logger+. After you load the file when creating a new POTA (or other contest) for example, you can load the contest configuration again and click the 'clear button' in N1MM next to the call history file and N1MM won't load the file when you click the OK button. And if you restart N1MM it won't reload the file. This appears to be an N1MM bug. However the current call history that was previously loaded will still be accessible. If you load the call history files in a text editor, you will find that they include a number of stats related to the number of callsigns included. You will also see a list of different N1MM Logger+ contests that can use these call history files. For example, the standard N1MM 'DX' contest can use these call history files. If you load these files for the supported contests the call history lookup will be enabled by default. Testing and feed back was provided by Ben, KI7KY and Jon K7CO. If you have questions about these call history files, contact Max NG7M at: